Consolidate of Fastbooking Menu & Tools
I- What we have learnt from Fastbooking- Ms. Margaret Lim.
The definition of IDS, OTA, GDS, Booking Engine
Identify the different functions between of them toward the support to properties
What Fastbooking –booking engine will help the hotel?
II- Menu & its functions and applications on:
2.1 Hotel Information: To fulfill hotel information by keying in the basic hotel information like the contact
details and address. These information will appear on the confirmation email that goes to the guest.
2.2 Room Description : To fulfill hotel room categories information with their features.
2.3 Distribution: Extended description on the hotel facilities and features including amenities, services and payment methods. These information are required for the display on and the partners.
Rates & Availabilities
2.4 Rate Overview: This is a summary displaying all the rates category created in the system. The details shown are the currency used, if the rates are commissionable to TA, is the Tax included, what sales condition is used, what mode is used for the inventory control. Here only provides you with the information of a price category and you cannot make any configurations or changes from here.
2.5 Sale Terms: By clicking the “Create” button to create the title and the selling terms to client. This provide backup to hotels especially in terms of cancellation, children policy.
2.6 Pricing: In this Pricing menu contented subsidiary tools to support the main tool to set calendar period, contract,.. as they are: Create, Calendar Price, Set calendar period, Print Price Access Code, Option, If you want to change selling rate for a specific room category F Pricing F Calendar Price to admen and save but if you are changing the selling priods, then you do it from F Set Calendar Periods
- Create: to help you to create what Price category to be sold to customer = “Price: Individual” appear on your left hand of the head page. Your duty is to fill up the price information as its policies listed as in the page.
- Calendar Price: Allow you to enter the room rate to sell. You may enter rates for different session in a different row numbers provided in the table and each row number represent the price to sell for one period / season.
- Set calendar period: Allow you to set the validity of the selling price. Set the period from & to, week day, select the contract – enter the row number of the price you wish to sell for the selected period in the “New period” box and save. For example your price in Row 2 in the “Calendar Period” is meant for weekday, and row 3 is for weekend, when you select the Weekday, please enter “2” in the “New Period” box and save and do the same for Weekend.
- Print Price: To show you the selling prices and the period you have set for that particular price category.
- Access Code: All prices / promotion you want to sell via the website to the public need to be created in the system and in order to display this price / promotion on your website when the guest query for availability, system need to recognize one “Key” word and we call this the Access Key. For all public promotion, your access key MUST have the word “PROMO-“follow by the name of your price category. In the Access Code section, you can also create a “Password” for any rates that you are setting for a corporate company or tour operator or any individual (the frequent booking guest who does not have a corporate rate with the hotel). When you create such “Password” for private viewership, you “CANNOT” use the “PROMO-“. You just need to put in the password that you want to assign for the client and create.
- Option: Allow you to create the additional service or item to sell together when the client buys the room. This option can be services like Airport Transfer, Breakfast, Spa Package, Cakes, Flowers and so on. When click the “Create” button, a new box will appear that you need to enter the name of the option that you are creating then click “OK”. Once the option is created, you will need to fill up the information like price, either the rates are per person, per adult or per booking, per day, per stay and also to put in a short description about this option. You may also upload a photo of this option to show. Each price category can have minimum 4 options but if you need more, please let Fastbooking know and we can add the numbers to maximum 24 options per price category.
2.7 Room Availability: This menu contained 3 subsidiary tools as they are: Availabilty, Open/ Close Contract & Print room availability which you can find their function as below:
- Availability: Allow you to control the room inventory by either using “Freesale” or “Allotment” mode.
If you select “Freesale”, that means you can only open the inventory by entering “1” in the calendar or close the inventory by entering “0” in the calendar. You are not able to assign the exact number of rooms to sell per day.
If you choose “Allotment” mode, then you can enter any numbers of rooms to sell per day and NEVER set the “0” manually as this number should happen automatically when the last room is sold. When the number of rooms in the calendar became “0”, our system will trigger an alert email to hotel to inform that a particular price category, that particular rooms type on that date has no more rooms to sell. Hotel will need to decide if you want to add on more rooms to sell or you would like to activate the “Total Stop Sale” function by changing the “0” to “-1”. The difference between the status of “0” and “-1” is, when the system shows “0” in the inventory, system will not be able to sell anymore rooms for that day and that kind of room type but if there are any cancellation of rooms from those confirmed bookings, the rooms will be returned to the inventory and system will start to sell the rooms again.
Once you activated the “Total Stop Sale” (-1), that means even if there are any cancellation of rooms from the confirmed bookings, system will not take back the rooms and it will remain closed and not taking any new bookings. If you want to admen room inventory allotment go toF Availability
-Open/ Close contract:
From & To : to select the availability period for the price Contract: üIndividual, Room: ü Pls tick in all rooms or independent room type to set the number of rooms to sell for each day during the selected selling period.
Print room availability: To show you the room inventory chart that you have assign for each day, each month for each price category.
2.8 Promotion : Allow you to add the promotion deal. If you did not create the Access Code correctly using “PROMO-Name of your Promotion”, in this section, you will not be able to find that promotion as system is not able to find the details from Pricing. If you have done the access code correctly, in this section you will see a button “Add A New Promotion”. Once added the promotion, you can now tidy up the Title and Message (Content) of your promotion. Title frame you can add EX– Hot Deal/ Promotion. At the Message frame you can add: What are including in the Hot deal/ Promotion…and sales terms conditions.
2.9 View Bookings: This is critical menu you need more focus on, it requires your 3 times/day login the system to check the confirmation / cancellation bookings. You need more practice on this menu when the system is activated
This allows you to check booking details, you will need more practice on this menu when the system runs. Here captures all the booking details that comes from your hotel website be it Confirmed, Not Confirm and Cancelled booking. From here the hotel can obtained the other half of guest credit card details for all the CC Confirmed bookings. Hotel can also retrieve the guest contact information from here for the CC Not Confirmed record to recover the sales. Please note that we do not charge any commission on the CC Not Confirmed record hence if the hotel is able to recover the sales not using the booking engine, the total booking revenue is yours.
2.10 View Group Bookings: Less focus on this menu because this is used when you want to check on bookings mainly from Corporate or specific access code.
2.11 Resa/History/Cancel: This is not really important as when your hotel goes live, you can cancel the booking from your hotel website hence DO NOT need to login to this section to make any booking cancellation.
2.12 Statistics Bookings: This menu will show your all the CONFIRMED booking reports. You may view the report either in Detailed or Trends format. From Detailed report, you can see the total booking volume, average rate per night and booking average Lead Time. The lead time allows you to see the booking pattern of your client as how early they make booking to stay in the hotel. You can then plan when should you launch any promotion in order to capture the clients. Trends report display the result in graphical format. Here it displays the breakdown of your booking source, the country that makes booking with your hotel and the breakdown of revenue for each country/region.
2.13 Daily Pickup: You need to focus on “Show report” button to find out your “On the Book” reservations for the current and next two future months. This allows you to plan if you need to launch any tactical promotion to invite bookings for those dates that the booking numbers are low.
2.14 Guest Comments: You can find guest comment in this menu to improve or upgrade your property service. You will only see guest comments if your hotel is participating in Fastbooking.Com and the partners’ programme. If the booking is via and it’s partners, after the guest checks out, Fastbooking will send guest a thank you letter with a survey. If the guest responds to the survey, we will keep all the feedback in this section and at the same time also display the same on the hotel page in
2.15 Access Keys: It shows you all the Access Codes you have created and can be exported to Excel file
2.16 Bookings: Here it captures all the “Raw Data” of all the bookings be it confirmed, not confirmed or
cancelled. This is the pure database for the hotel and you should download this report once in three months and keep it for the future used. Your marketing department can sort the report based on their
requirement especially if you are planning for any kind of regional promotions as you may filter the guest address and emails from the report.
2.17 Options: It shows you which bookings have bought the options and you may also tabulate the total revenue generated from selling all the options.
My Account
2.18 Payment: This buttons is only used if hotel wish to settle the Fastbooking Commission using a credit card. If you are paying the commission via bank transfer, PLEASE IGNORE THIS BUTTON.
2.19 Password: You can come here to change your current password
Prepared by:Jane, Nguyen Thi Thoi - Director of Sales, Marketing & Business Development South & Central Vietnam